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Girl Develop It is here to provide affordable and accessible programs to learn software through mentorship and hands-on instruction.
This is what we'll be making!
An object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.
Created by Brendan Eich in 1995
Variables store information
let age = 26; // Can change this variable
const name = "Marry"; // Cannot change this variable
Note: best practice is to prefer using "const"
Three most common types of data
56; // Number
"blah blah"; // String
true; // Boolean
Name that data type!
Name that data type!
17 - Number
false - Boolean
"false" - String
1 - Number
"525600" - String
true - Boolean
5 + 6; // 11
9 - 4; // 5
3 * 5; // 15
4 / 2; // 2
2 ** 3; // 8
16 % 5; // 1
The last one, %, is called modulo - it returns the remainder of the division
Modulo is often used to check for even division
// Checking for evenness
let amount = 2206;
amount % 2; // 0
amount % 2 === 0; // true
361 % 8; // 1
361 % 8 === 0; // false
const students = ["Cheryl", "Sammy","Marty"];
students[0]; // "Cheryl"
students[1]; // "Sammy"
students[0] = "Billy"; // reassignment
console.log(students); // ["Billy", "Sammy","Marty"]
students[5]; // undefined
const colors = ["blue","red","green","cyan","yellow","orange","#000000"];
How would you access "cyan"?
What string is at the 5th index?
colors[5]; // "orange"
How would you access the last item in the array?
colors[6]; // technically correct...
colors[colors.length-1]; //👍 programmers #1 choice
How would you reassign the last item to "black"?
colors[colors.length-1] = "black";
Loops allows the same block of code to be executed multiple times in succession
The 2 most common loops are the "for" and "while" loop
const students = ["Marry","Barb","Phil"];
// Loops through array and console.logs each item
for(let i = 0; i < students.length; i++){
const student = students[i]; // iterator, i, used as index
Works much like the "for" loop, but the 3 parts (initialization, condition, and final expression) are delegated differently
const students = ["Marry","Barb","Phil"];
// Loops through array and console.logs each item
for(let i = 0; i < students.length; i++){
const student = students[i]; // iterator, i, used as index
const students = ["Marry","Barb","Phil"];
let i = 0; // initialization OUTSIDE of "while" loop
while(i < students.length){ // condition - eventually must evalauate to false!
const student = students[i];
i++; // final expression
const age = 23;
if(age > 18){
console.log("Welcome to the casino!");
console.log("YOU SHALL NOT PASS!");
Just like math operators, logical operators allow us to govern how logical expressions are evaluated and will always evaluate to a boolean
5 > 4; // true
12 < 6; // false
16 >= 4; // true
3 <= 7; // true
"this" == "that"; // false (checks equality)
"GDI" != "GDI"; // false (checks inequality)
Boolean operators allow us to combine logical expressions in more complex ways
// ||
// OR - returns true if one side evaluates to true
true || true; // true
true || false; // true
false || true; // true
false || false; // false
// &&
// AND - returns true if BOTH sides evaluate to true
true && true; // true
true && false; // false
false && true; // false
false && false; // false
// !
// NOT - negates the logical expressions that follows
!true; // false
!false; // true
are "truthy"false
are "falsey"There are fewer "falsey" values, so let's define them and consider everything else as "truthy"
if (false) // actual false
if (null)
if (undefined) // such as a variable defined unassigned variable
let x; // undefined by default
if (x)
if (0) // zero!
if (NaN) // Not A Number, can happen if you add undefined to a number
if ("") // empty string
Functions are a way to store code to be executed later
function coinFlip(){
// Math.random() returns a random decimal between 0 and 1
return Math.random() > .5;
MANY ways to define a function in JS. Here are a few basic ways.
function coinFlip(){
return Math.random() > .5;
const coinFlip = function(){
return Math.random() > .5;
const coinFlip = () => Math.random() > .5; // We'll dive into this later!
Functions can accept arguments, or information passed into them when they are called
function getTotalPrice(price, tax){
return price * (1 + tax);
getTotalPrice(100, .08); // 108
In the "mainProject" folder, go into "class_1", and edit the "script.js" file
// Math.random() returns a random decimal in the range of 0 and 1
Math.random(); // 0.231657 a random number in the range of 0 and 1
// You can scale up a range through multiplication
const val = Math.random() * 12; // 5.632467 a random number in the range of 0 and 12
// Math.floor() removes the decimal part of a number
Math.floor(val); // 5
const randomItem = function(arr){
const randDecimal = Math.random(); // decimal b/t 0 and 1
const randNumber = randDecimal * arr.length; // number b/t 0 and arr.lenth
const randIndex = Math.floor(randNumber); // whole number b/t 0 and arr.length
return arr[randIndex];
The ternary operator is another way of representing an "if/else" statement in one line
const user_authenticated = false;
let message;
message = "Welcome to your homepage!";
message = "Access Denied!";
console.log(message); // "Access Denied!";
const user_authenticated = false;
let message = user_authenticated ? "Welcome to your homepage!" : "Access Denied!";
console.log(message); // "Access Denied!";
NOTE: it's best practice to only use the ternary operator when the logic and values are simple
Similar to the ternary operator, the arrow function helps keep simple functions succinct and on 1 line
const seasonOfLove = function(){
return 525600;
const seasonOfLove = () => 525600;
// No parameters, therefore use empty parentheses
// One line, no need for brackets
// and automatically returns everything after the arrow
const minutesFromYears = num_of_years => num_of_years * 525600;
// With 1 parameter, can just use parameter without parentheses
const add = (num1,num2) => num1 + num2;
// With more parameters, need parentheses
const minutesFromYears = num_of_years => {
const leapDays = Math.floor(num_of_years / 4);
return (num_of_years * 525600) + leapDays;
// With larger blocks of code, can use multiple lines,
// brackets, and an explicit return statement
In the "mainProject" folder, go into "class_1", and edit the "script.js" file
const students = ["Billie","Jean","Izzinot Mye"];
// .push() adds an item to the end of the array.
students.push("Love R.");
console.log(students); // ["Billie", "Jean", "Izzinot Mye", "Love R."]
// .splice() takes 2 arguments: an index and a count.
// Items are removed from the array starting at the given index
// Removal stops after the count is reached.
// The removed items are returned in an array.
const removed = students.splice(2,1); // Starting at index 2, remove 1 item
console.log(removed); // ["Izzinot Mye"] <- It's an array!
console.log(students); // ["Billie", "Jean", "Love R."]
Since each part of the loop is separate, we can often get away with more succinct code
const students = ["Marry","Barb","Phil"];
while(students.length){ // 0 equals false
const student = students.shift(); // removes first item from array
const students = ["Marry","Barb","Phil"];
while(students.length) console.log(students.shift());
// No need for brackets when all on one line
WARNING: Beware the infinite "while" loop where the condition is always true!