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Intro to PHP and MySQL

Class 4


Girl Develop It is here to provide affordable and accessible programs to learn software through mentorship and hands-on instruction.

Some "rules"

  • We are here for you!
  • Every question is important.
  • Help each other.
  • Have fun.

Remember, we want d.r.y. code

Desert landscape

Photo credit: Phil Synder cc

Application structure

Some parts of your code are repeated over and over. We can move these into their own files and use include to call them.

  • header.php
  • sidebar.php
  • footer.php


Let's improve our coffeeshop page with some styles. Download the starter files as a .zip.


Thanks to Amy Hendrix for the code.

Let's Develop It

Play with the site code.

  • Change the page title
  • Add a link to the sidebar
  • Add your name to the footer

Database relationships

Lemurs hugging

Photo credit: Ben124 cc

Each table row has a unique primary key

Single key

Photo credit: Brenda-Starr cc

Tables are linked together through their keys

Multiple keys on a ring

Photo credit: gnuru cc

The link is called a foreign key

Key from Spain

Photo credit: Sylvia cc

MySQL can automatically clean up related data


Photo credit: silkegb cc

Let's Develop It

Let's edit first database. Start up WAMP/MAMP and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ (Windows) or http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin/ (Mac)

The default username is "root". The default password is either "" (i.e., leave it blank) or "root".

Select the coffee database

Select the database
USE coffee;

Delete the product table

Drop table screen
DROP TABLE product;

Use SQL to recreate the product table

SQL screen
CREATE TABLE product (
  companyID_fk int,
  type varchar(255),
  roast varchar(255),
  description text,
  PRIMARY KEY (productID)

Use SQL to create a company table

SQL screen
CREATE TABLE company (
  name varchar(255),
  phoneNumber varchar(255),
  PRIMARY KEY (companyID)

Create an index on companyID_fk

Add an index
ALTER TABLE product ADD INDEX (companyID_fk) ;

Open the product table and select relation view

Add an index

Add a relationship

Add a relationship
REFERENCES company (companyID)

Add some sample data

SQL screen
INSERT INTO company SET  name='Starbucks', phoneNumber='(800)555-7282';
INSERT INTO company SET  name='Bean Traders', phoneNumber='(919)555-5895';
INSERT INTO company SET  name='Mean Beans', phoneNumber='(303)555-8475';
INSERT INTO product SET  companyID_fk=1, type='French Vanilla', roast='dark', description='Strong coffee flavor with a hint of vanilla';
INSERT INTO product SET  companyID_fk=1, type='Pumpkin spice', roast='medium', description='Seasonal';
INSERT INTO product SET  companyID_fk=2, type='Dip Into Decaf', roast='light', description='You will barely notice it\'s coffee!';

Updating our submission forms

Right now, our product entry form is a free text entry. It looks like this:

Company: <input type="text" name="company"/><br/>

Restricting choices

We want it to only show approved companies from our DB, so looks like this:

Company: <select name="company">
  <option value="2">Bean Traders</option>
  <option value="3">Mean Beans</option>
  <option value="1">Starbucks</option>

Let's Develop It

Your sample code has a file called add-products.php. It is almost complete. Add code to the commented sections to get it to work.

Passing information

Message in a bottle

Photo credit: Mykl Roventine cc

URL parameters

Up until now, we have only passed data via forms. We can also pass data in the URL itself. This is called a parameter.

Using parameters

You can retrieve a parameter's value and store it as a variable
$variableName = htmlspecialchars($_GET["parameter"]);

Let's Develop It

Your sample code has a file called delete-products.php. It is almost complete. Add code to the commented sections to get it to work.

Putting it all together

Puzzle pieces

Photo credit: echerries cc

Editing data

Let's combine queries, forms, parameters, and logic all into one. We will

  • Pass a product ID to a page using parameters
  • Save that parameter as a variable
  • Use a query to pull the associated data
  • Pre-load that data into a form
  • Send the form to processing script
  • Update the database.

Let's Develop It

Your sample code has a file called edit-products.php and one called product_edit_result.php. They are almost complete. Add code to the commented sections to get it to work.

You did it!

Man jumping in air

Photo credit: sunface13 cc
