Beginning HTML and CSS

Class 2


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Anatomy of a website

Your Content
+ HTML: Structure
+ CSS: Presentation
= Your Website

A website is a way to present your content to the world, using HTML and CSS to present that content & make it look good.

CSS: What is it?

CSS = Cascading Style Sheets

CSS is a "style sheet language" that lets you style the elements on your page.

CSS works in conjunction with HTML, but is not HTML itself.

CSS: What can it do?

All colored text, position, and size

CSS: What does it look like?

The CSS Rule

The CSS Rule

The CSS Rule

selector {
  property: value;

A block of CSS code is a rule.

The rule starts with a selector.

It has sets of properties and values.

A property-value pair is a declaration.

CSS Syntax

Declarations: Property and value of style you plan use on HTML element.

Declarations end with a semicolon

Declaration groups are surrounded by curly brackets.

selector {
  property: value;
  property: value;
  property: value;

Selector: Element

p {
  property: value;

Selects all paragraph elements.

img {
  property: value;

Selects all image elements.

Selector: ID

#footer {
  property: value;

Selects all elements with an id of "footer".

<p id="footer">Copyright 2011</p>

The associated HTML.

Selector: Class

.warning {
  color: red;

Selects all elements with a class of "warning".

<p class="warning">Run away!</p>

The associated HTML.

IDs vs. Classes

ID -- Should only apply to one element on a webpage. I.E. A webpage only has one footer.

The "#" is how you tell CSS "this is an id."

Class -- Many elements can have the same class. I.E. There can be many warnings on one webpage.

The "." is how you tell CSS "this is a class name."

Selector: Descendant

p em {
  color: yellow;

Selects all em elements that are within a paragraph

<p>This is <em>important.</em></p>

The associated HTML.

Property Values

Each property can have one or more comma separated values.

  color: white;
  background-color: red;
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

Property: Color

The color property changes the color of the text.

p {
  color: red;
  color: #ff0000;
  color: rgb(255, 0, 0);

Color name

Hexadecimal value

RGB value

The 17 standard colors are: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, grey, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

Property: Background-color

The background-color property changes the color of the background.

p {
  background-color: black;
  background-color: #000000;
  background-color: rgb(0,0,0);

Property: Font-family

The font-family property defines which font is used.

p {
  font-family: "Times New Roman";
  font-family: serif;
  font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;

Specific font name

Generic name

Comma-separated list

Property: Font-size

The font-size property specifies the size of the font.

p {
  font-size: 12px;
  font-size: 1.5em;
  font-size: 100%;




Property: Fonts (shorthand)

p {
  font-style: italic;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 10px;
  font-family: sans-serif;

p {
  font: italic bold 10px sans-serif;

Connecting CSS to HTML

3 ways




Connecting CSS to HTML: Inline

  <p style="color:red;">Some text.</p>

Uses the HTML attribute style.

Difficult to use in large projects

Not preferred.

Connecting CSS to HTML: Embedded

  <style type="text/css">
    p {
      color: blue;
      font-size: 12px;

Inside <head> element.

Uses <style> tag.

Can only be used in one html file

Connecting CSS to HTML: Linked

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

Shared resource for several pages.

Reduced file size & bandwidth

Easy to maintain in larger projects.

Preferred by developers everywhere!

Let's develop it

  • Create a new .css file
  • Add a link to the file in the head of the portfolio made last time
  • Add styles to change the colors, background colors or fonts of different parts of the content
  • Try using ids and classes to change specific elements


Styles "cascade" down until changed

p {
  color: blue;
  font-family: 'Helvetica';
.red {
  color: red;
#special {
  font-family: Arial;

  <p class="green">Paragraph</p>
  <p class="red">Paragraph</p>
  <p class="red" id="special">Paragraph</p>

CSS Properties

Many CSS properties have self-explanatory names:

  • background-color
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • color
  • width
  • height

Comprehensive list of all CSS properties

