We can tell the computer to compare values and return True or False. These are called Boolean expressions
. We can't use =
because that is used for assignment>
and <
a = 5
b = 5
print a == b
c = 3
print a == c
print c < a
The following chart shows the various Boolean operators
a == b |
a is equal to b |
a != b |
a does not equal b |
a < b |
a is less than b |
a > b |
a is greater than b |
a <= b |
a is less than or equal to b |
a >= b |
a is greater than or equal to b |
a = 3
b = 4
print a != b
print a <= 3
print a >= 4
Remember: Equals does not equal "equals equals"
A list is an ordered collection of elements
In Python, a list is defined using [ ]
with elements separated by commas, as in the following example
words = ['list', 'of', 'strings']
A list can, but doesn't have to be of all one type.
A list of one type is homogenous as opposed to a list of multiple types, which is heterogeneous.
words = [0, 'list', 'of', 3, 'strings', 'and', 'numbers']
Lists have several methods, the most useful of which is append
A list can be created as an empty list and have values added to it with append
to_do_list = []
to_do_list.append('buy soy milk')
to_do_list.append('learn python')
print to_do_list
Therefore, lists are mutable
This means that a list can change values
during the duration of a program
An element can also be obtained from a list through indexing
This allows us to obtain an element if we just want one specific value.
To index on a list, follow it immediately with [index]
numbers = [10, 20, 30]
print numbers[0]
Lists (and other data types) start at the number 0 and count up.
You can get the length of a list with len(list)
You can also use the length of the list to index the last element.
to_do_list = [
'learn python', 'read email', 'make lunch',
print len(to_do_list)
print to_do_list[0]
print to_do_list[2]
print to_do_list[len(to_do_list)]
print to_do_list[len(to_do_list) - 1]
An IndexError results if an index exceeds the length of the list minus 1
Take the list below and try to do the following:
Append to the list a chore you have to do
Use indexing to find the first and third chores on the list
Find the length of the list
Use indexing to find the last chore in the list
['Make the bed', 'Cook dinner', 'Feed the dog', 'Buy groceries']
When we want different code to execute dependending on certain criteria, we use a conditional
We achieve this using if statements
if x == 5:
print 'x is equal to 5'
We often want a different block to execute if the statement is false.
This can be accomplished using else
if x == 5:
print 'x is equal to 5'
print 'x is not equal to 5'
In Python, blocks begin when text is indented and
ends when it returns to the previous indentation
Indentation is very sensitive in python. Let's write a python file that practices indentation and conditionals
Write this into your text editor and save the file as class2.py in your gdi-intro-python folder.
print "It's your birthday!"
answer = raw_input("How old are you? ")
age = int(answer)
if answer < 21:
print "You may not have a beer, but here's some juice!"
print "Here's some beer!"
print "Happy birthday!"
Conditionals can also be chained
Chained conditionals use elif
as an additonal check after the preceeding if
predicate was False. For example:
if x < 0:
print "x is negative"
elif x > 0:
print "x is positive"
print "x is 0"
Conditionals can also be nested
Nested conditionals occur inside of other conditionals, and are indented over once more. When the code block is complete you move back.
Edit your python file to contain the following:
print "It's your birthday!"
answer = raw_input("How old are you? ")
age = int(answer)
if answer < 21:
print "You may not have a beer, but here's some juice!"
beers = raw_input("How many beers do you want?")
beers = int(beers)
if beers > 3:
print "Oops, you're drunk!"
elif beers > 1:
print "You got a little tipsy"
print "Looks like you're the designated driver"
print "Happy birthday!"
Write a program that uses if statements to determine
what to do given some user input
The code below is an example:
health = 100
print "A vicious warg is chasing you."
print "Options:"
print "1 - Hide in the cave."
print "2 - Climb a tree."
input_value = raw_input("Enter choice:")
if input_value == '1':
print 'You hide in a cave.'
print 'The warg finds you and injures your leg with its claws'
health = health - 10
elif input_value == '2':
print 'You climb a tree.'
print 'The warg eventually looses interest and wanders off'
print 'Invalid option.'
It is often useful to perform a task and to repeat the process until a certain point is reached.
The repeated execution of a set of statements is called iteration
One way to acheive this, is with the while loop.
user_input = raw_input('would you like to quit? (y/n) ')
while user_input != 'y':
user_input = raw_input('would you like to quit? (y/n) ')
print 'quitters never win!'
As long as the while statement evaluates to True, the code block beneath it is repeated.
Consider the following example that uses iteration with a while loop
input_value = raw_input('Enter a positive integer:')
user_number = int(input_value)
while user_number > 0:
print "The user's number is still positive, let's subtract 1"
user_number = user_number - 1
print "User's number is no longer positive."
This implementation does not work for negative numbers. Why?
It is also useful to loop through a collection of elements, visiting each one to do some work, then stopping once all elements are processed.
This can be accomplished with a for loop
First, we need a collection. We create a list of numbers to loop over. This is called numbers
in the following example
shipping_cost = 2.5
prices = [3, 4, 5.25]
costs = []
for price in prices:
costs.append(price + shipping_cost)
print costs
What do you think the following functions output?
range(5, 10)
range(10, 20, 2)
range(20, 8, -2)
Let's examine the example carefully
for number in range(5):
print "The current number is:"
print number
This for loop has three parts:
In our last example, we named our variable "number".
We could have chosen any word, and the computer would process the code.
This is a great example of the computer processing, not understanding.
for moose in range(5):
print "The current number is:"
print moose
Let's iterate through the following list:
["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]
For each word, check if the letter "a" is in the list.
For example:
The word Mary contains the letter a.
The word little does not contain the letter a.
"What about the letter "m"?
Write a script that asks the user to guess a number between 1 and 100
If their guess is within 20, tell them they are 'warm'
If their guess is within 10, tell them they are 'hot'
If their guess is within 5, tell them they are 'scalding'
if their guess is within 50, tell them they are 'cool'
otherwise tell them they are 'cold'
If they guess the number, congratulate them and ask if they'd like to play again.
Do this excercise from Learn Python The Hard Way
Make sure to do these problems by hand, not with python!