A named section of code that performs a specific task
This is also referred to as calling a function
We have already made a function call
when using the type
, int
, or float
a = '3'
print type(a)
a = float(a)
a = 3
print type(a)
A function can take arguments
In the example above, the variable a
is passed
as an argument to the function type
Arguments can also be called parameters
# Some more function call examples
The following example is a function definition.
This allows us to create our own functions
def print_plus_5(x):
print x + 5
The function definition has the following parts
keyword signifies we are defining a functionprint_plus_5
print x + 5
Similar to for loops, you decide how to refer to your arguments
We just used x as our argument, but I can replace that with duck and the function will work the same
def print_plus_5(duck):
print duck + 5
When naming your functions and your arguments, you should use terms based on the task at hand
A function can also return a value
Return allows us to save the result and use it later
# function without return
def plus_5(x):
x + 5
y = plus_5(4)
print y
#function with return
def return_plus_5(x):
return x + 5
y = return_plus_5(4)
print y
A function does not have to take arguments,
as in the following example:
def grass():
print 'The grass is green.'
This is useful when the function does some work but doesn't need any parameters.
i.e. The function is intended to always do the same thing
A function can also take more than one argument separated by commas. For example:
def personal_info(name, age):
return "My name is " + name + " and I am " + str(age) + " years old."
my_information = personal_info("Amy", 26)
print my_information
Pick one of the following exercises
Write a function that a bar could use to check to see if a customer is of drinking age.
If it is a saturday in spring and it is above 65 degrees, Kermit plants flowers. Write a function to check whether he will plant flowers today.
willKermitPlantFlowers(dayOfWeek, season, currentTemperature)
Zach knows something is wrong with his basement if the temperature is below 50 or the humidity is above 70%. Write a function that can check whether his basement has a problem.
basementIsOk(temperature, humidity)
Functions can also call other functions.
You can do this to break up tasks into small pieces and make your code easier to follow.
Function composition is when the output of one function acts as the input of another
def get_name():
return raw_input("What is your name?")
def get_email_address():
return raw_input("What is your address?")
def register():
print "Please fill out the following information to register:"
name = get_name()
email = get_email_address()
print name, "is registered under the email address", email
Methods are also called by name but are associated with a data type.
We have already called methods for strings and integers
a = 4
name = 'caleb'
sentence = 'the quick brown fox did the thing with the thing'
a_list = [1, 2, 3]
print name.capitalize()
print sentence.count('the')
print a_list
A dictionary is a data type of key/value pairs, defined with {}
menu_categories = {
'food': 'stuff you eat',
'beverage': 'stuff you drink',
Think of words in a dictionary. The words are keys and the definitions are values.
Dictionaries aren't literally just for definitions. They represent a group of mappings. A mapping might be: menu items -> costs.
We can also index on dictionaries, but using the key instead of integers like in a list
menu = {
'tofu': 4,
tofu_cost = menu['tofu']
Indexing on a key that doesn't exist results in a KeyError
Some of the most essential methods are keys
, values
and items
menu = {
'tofu': 4,
'pizza': 8,
'baguette': 3,
print menu.keys()
print menu.values()
print menu.items()
print menu.get('pizza')
print menu.get('water')
print menu.get('juice', 5)
If you aren't certain a key is present, you can use the get
will return None if the key isn't present.
The in
operator is used to determine if
an element is in a given data type
For dictionaries, the keys are searched for the element.
color = [255, 255, 0]
if 0 in color:
print '0 is in the color'
menu = {'tofu': 4}
print 'tofu' in menu
print 4 in menu
Python provides several functions that
help us work with these data types.
len() |
Given a data type, return its length |
range() |
Create a list of integers in the range provided. |
sorted() |
Given a data type, returns a sorted copy of that data type |
enumerate() |
Returns a list of (index, element) from the list |
# Using len() - Determines length
print len([1, 2])
print len("Hello")
# range() - Quickly creates a list of integers
print range(5)
print range(5, 10)
print range(0, 10, 2)
# sorted() - Sort a given list
grades = [93, 100, 60]
grades = sorted(grades)
print grades
print 'To Do:'
to_dos = ['work', 'sleep', 'work']
for item in to_dos:
print '%s' %(item)
name = 'Sally'
print 'Her name is {}'.format(name)
Write a function to...
# ...add 10 to any number
# ...divide any number by 100
# ...add any 2 numbers
# ...subtract any 2 numbers
# ...convert celsius to farenheight
# ...convert farenheight to celsius
# ...convert inches to centimeters
# ...convert centimeters to inches
# ...calculate sales tax for any given total amount
# ...calculate the area of a triangle (1/2 base * height)
# ...calculate the volume of a rectangular prism (length * width * height)